Bridge: Publishing

We are a social enterprise project which works with children and teachers in schools to help children create their own book. We work with the children to create the content (words and pictures) and use professional editors and illustrators to produce and publish the book.


a) To contribute to the learning, creativity and well-being of children

b) To develop relationships with primary schools to assist in their educational ambitions.


The Book Creation Project

After having agreed with a school the year class and the topic (linked to the curriculum), our team spends one day in the school with the class. It is intended to be an immersive experience for the children.

In groups, we help the children create their own storylines and then decide on which one we will adopt. We try and integrate ideas from each group to ensure everyone is invested in the day.

Once the storyline is chosen we help divide the storyline up into sections using storyboarding techniques. We then help each group work on a part of the story. Linking up the sections is a challenge but doable!

Having the main sections of the storyline mapped out we then encourage the children to begin to illustrate their section of the book. We also ask those children with particular artistic talent to work on the main characters and the cover of the book. At the end of the day we then take a photo of the children (having sought prior parental permission) and choose a title for the book.

In the days following we collate all the material the children have produced into a cohesive story until we have a final draft to send to our illustrators. They create the professional version of the book. The illustrators ensure that their graphics bear a close likeness to the children’s drawings.

As you can see the finished product is of an excellent quality. Once printed, we return to the school to read the book to the class and hand out copies of the book to the children who created it. It is up to the school how they want to distribute the remaining copies to the rest of the school/parents etc.

The process, beginning with the book creation day in the schools to distributing the finished books in the school can take up to four months. Part of our team are people who volunteer their time so we cannot promise a quicker turn around time. However it is worth it.

What people have said:


“This was an amazing project. The books are very impressive and it is a lovely keepsake for parents and children. The children really enjoyed the experience. I loved the book! Thank you for using our school as the trial school”.  

Mr. Gates, Headteacher of St Matthew’s CofE Primary School


“The illustrations are really bright and stimulating and I like the idea of the fun facts which would appeal to students. It is a lovely keepsake for parents and children.” Ciaran

“I think this is a great project for schools to get involved with…”


“I’m really proud of us as the makers of a book” Emma

” I really like the drawings. They look animated.” Joanna

“We’ve actually made a book – a real book” Steven

“I can’t wait to show my mum.” Alba – Rose


“Thank you all involved in this project. I read the book and it’s captivating.” JCE

“Absolutely commendable. Was welcomed with this incredible news on coming back yesterday. Thank you immensely. We all read it yesterday. Well done.” FN