Bridge: On Sundays

What do we do, where and when. Here is a simple explanation.

On the 1st Sunday we all meet together in Alex and Graham’s home in Holbrook. It is called Gather. We normally meet at 10.30am to eat Brunch before worshipping, learning and sharing together.

On the 2nd and 4th Sundays we meet in two homes for House Church: Andy & Dawn’s in Ipswich starting at 10.30am and Kori & Jono’s in Stowmarket (or Richard & Julie’s in Wetherden), starting at 10.00am.

On the 3rd Sunday we hold Tribe, a multi-generational type of church. It is at Whitehouse Community Primary School, Ipswich, starting at 10.30am.

On the 5th Sunday (if there is one), we do something very different – and this can vary. From meeting in a forest to meeting in a cafe!

For details look at Upcoming Events at the bottom of the Homepage. To receive postal addresses for the venues ping us an email at